SSR for Ubuntu#



Now we work on the host PC, which is also running Ubuntu 18.04. Update existing packages:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade


Install on your local Ubuntu host the prerequisite packages for the SSR Python client:

sudo apt install wget zip unzip python-m2crypto libsodium23

We are going to install ShadowsocksR into our Downloads directory, so change into that directory:

cd ~/Downloads

Get the source either from Github:


Or from a mirror:


Check the integrity of the downloaded zip file with the sha256sum command:


The SHA256 checksum should match the value stated earlier in this post.

Unzip the download:


Rename the extracted directory:

mv shadowsocksr-manyuser shadowsocksr

Configure Edit your initial ShadowsocksR configuration file.

sudo vi /etc/shadowsocks.json

You can start with the template below. Of course, you must substitute in your values for the ShadowsocksR server IP address, port, password, encryption method, protocol, obfuscation method, and so on. In this template, the public IP address of the server is given as as an example.

Press the i key on your keyboard to get into insert mode.


When you have finished editing, write the file to disk and quit the editor.

Start Change into the directory for the single-user version of SSR:

cd shadowsocksr/shadowsocks

Start the ShadowsocksR client running as a daemon:

sudo python -c /etc/shadowsocks.json -d start

Check that it is running okay:

sudo tail /var/log/shadowsocksr.log

Configure Firefox Open Firefox. Configure Firefox to send traffic to localhost port 1080.

  • From the Firefox menu, select Preferences
  • You should be on the General page
  • Scroll down to Network Settings
  • Click Settings
  • Select Manual proxy configuration
  • For SOCKS Host, type
  • For Port, type 1080
  • Select SOCKS v5
  • Select Proxy DNS when using SOCKS v5
  • Click OK