Cortex-M3 Interrupt#

《The Definitive Guide to ARM Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4 Processors》- Chapter 8


AAPCS - Procedure Call Standard for ARM Architecture.

  • caller saved registers

R0-R3, R12, LR, and PSR are called “caller saved registers.” The program code that calls a subroutine needs to save these register contents into memory (e.g., stack) before the function call if these values will still be needed after the function call.Register values that are not required after the function call don’t have to be saved.


  1. 如果子程序调用结束后,调用函数 还需要 使用这几个寄存器的值,那么在调用子函数之前就需要保存这几个寄存器中的值到栈中

  2. 如果子程序调用结束后,调用函数 不再需要 使用这几个寄存器的值,那么就不用保存了


  • callee-saved registers

    R4-R11 are called “callee-saved registers.” The subroutine or function being called needs to make sure the contents of these registers are unaltered at the end of the function (same value as when the function is entered). The values of these registers could change in the middle of the function execution, but need to be restored to their original values before function exit.



2. 中断压栈出栈#


  • 压栈


从时间上来看压栈的顺序是:PC -> PSR -> R0 -> R1 -> R2 -> R3 -> R12 -> LR

  • 函数调用与中断时LR寄存器的不同

R14 is also called the Link Register (LR). This is used for holding the return address when calling a function or subroutine. At the end of the function or subroutine, the program control can return to the calling program and resume by loading the value of LR into the Program Counter (PC). When a function or subroutine call is made, the value of LR is updated automatically. If a function needs to call another function or subroutine, it needs to save the value of LR in the stack first. Otherwise, the current value in LR will be lost when the function call is made.


During exception handling, the LR is also updated automatically to a special EXC_RETURN (Exception Return) value, which is then used for triggering the exception return at the end of the exception handler. This will be covered in more depth in Chapter 8.


  • 出栈

At the end of an exception handler, the bit 2 of the EXC_RETURN value generated at the exception entrance is used to decide which stack pointer should be used to extract the stack frame. If bit 2 is 0, the processor knows that the main stack was used for stacking, as shown in Figure 8.9.

If bit 2 is 1, the processor knows that the process stack was used for stacking, as shown in the second unstacking operation in Figure 8.10.

At the end of each unstacking operation, the processor also checks the bit 9 of the unstacked xPSR value, and adjusts the stack pointer accordingly to remove the padding space if it was inserted during stacking, as shown in Figure 8.11.

To reduce the time required for the unstacking operation, the return address(stacked PC) value is accessed first, so that instruction fetch can start in parallel with the rest of the unstacking operation.